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2017 Title/Series Scripture/Speaker Downloads

Jun 25


A decision unlike any other

When God steps down (John 1-6)

John 6:60-71 Julian Hardyman Play Audio Download MP3 41mins

Jun 18


A security like no other

When God steps down (John 1-6)

John 6:35-48 Julian Hardyman Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 37mins


Christ - the ground of our existence

Miscellaneous 2017

Colossians 1:24 - 2:15 Andrew Fellows Play Audio Download MP3 34mins

Jun 11


Jesus and our insecurity

When God steps down (John 1-6)

John 6:25-35,48-59 Julian Hardyman Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 33mins


Christ - our true cosmic hero

Miscellaneous 2017

Colossians 1:15-23 Andrew Fellows Play Audio Download MP3 37mins

Jun 04


On the Lord’s side

Miscellaneous 2017

Joshua 5:13 - 6:7 Josh Monteiro Play Audio Download MP3 35mins


The parable of the shrewd manager

Miscellaneous 2017

Luke 16:1-15 Dave Ellerton Play Audio Download MP3 40mins

May 28


Bringing the fullness of Jesus into the foulness of life

When God steps down (John 1-6)

John 6:1-15 Julian Hardyman Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 38mins


Elisha and the she-bears

Miscellaneous 2017

2 Kings 2:23-25 Dr. Peter Williams Play Audio Download MP3 37mins

May 21


Jesus and gender

Miscellaneous 2017

Matthew 19:1-19 Julian Hardyman Play Audio Download MP3 52mins

May 14


Jesus and the storms of life

When God steps down (John 1-6)

John 6:16-25 Julian Hardyman Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 39mins

May 07


What makes it so hard to believe in Jesus?

When God steps down (John 1-6)

John 5:31-47 Julian Hardyman Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 37mins


The God who can’t be killed

Miscellaneous 2017

Craig Summers Play Audio Download MP3 38mins

Apr 30


How dare he!

When God steps down (John 1-6)

John 5:16-30 Julian Hardyman Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 40mins


The God who can’t be surprised

Miscellaneous 2017

Craig Summers Play Audio Download MP3 34mins

Apr 23


When Jesus walks up

When God steps down (John 1-6)

John 5:1-18 Julian Hardyman Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 37mins


The God who can’t be escaped

Miscellaneous 2017

Craig Summers Play Audio Download MP3 41mins

Apr 16


Making sense of the empty tomb

Easter sermons

John 20:1-18 Julian Hardyman Play Audio Download MP3 41mins


Peace and power

Easter sermons

John 20:19-22 Julian Hardyman Play Audio Download MP3 20mins

Apr 09


The arrest of Christ

Miscellaneous 2017

Mark 14:43-52 Daniel Stevens Play Audio Download MP3 39mins

Apr 02


Whatever we are facing, the love of God is bigger

Miscellaneous 2017

Romans 8:31-39 Ray Ortlund Play Audio Download MP3 38mins


The agony of Christ

Miscellaneous 2017

Mark 14:32-42 Julian Hardyman Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 46mins

Mar 26


A promise to give unshakeable hope in a difficult world

Miscellaneous 2017

Romans 8:28-30 Steve Auld Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 38mins


The hospitality of Christ

Miscellaneous 2017

Mark 14:12-31 Julian Hardyman Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 34mins

Mar 19


Because he’s worth it

Miscellaneous 2017

Mark 14:1-11 Craig Summers Play Audio Download MP3 34mins
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